B4J Question Web3X Ethereum - questions


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@Erel wrote:
For the outside viewer these technologies might look like one big ponzi scheme. This is what I thought up to a few months ago.
Please feel free to start a new thread for any question or comment.

  1. What do you think about it now?
  2. What could it be useful for?
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Waldemar Lima

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can u share your code ??
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There's a button i click each day on a website, this compounds my deposit in a project I am in. So I click the button then accept the smart contract fees etc and that's it.

I want to automate this through code. So once a day the code connects to wallet and completes the transaction automatically without any user input.

What would be the best way to do this, how would make this transaction everyday, how do I know what data to use when sending the transaction, do I need to scrape if from the website?
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With the current facilities of the library, can an automatic payment gateway be built??(in b4a/b4j - For Ethereum for now)

like this : https://boxcoin.dev/demo/checkout

1.Actually, I want to use the user to receive money, but the steps should be automatic, not manual
2.Display the payment address to the user
3.Payment made by the user
4.Checking whether the payment has been made or not
5.Display the appropriate message to the user
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Now I have some questions

1 - In the web3x library, after executing the SendFundsImpl command, you use the EthGetTransactionCount command
Is it to confirm the payment on the network?

2 - What are the procedures for confirming a transaction?

3 - For example, inside the app, I show my wallet address to the user for payment
The user also transfers an amount from his personal wallet outside the app(like Trust Wallet- Metamask ,...) to the address of my wallet
Is there a way that I can identify with the codes whether this transaction is done or not?
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1. EthGetTransactionCount is called before sending the transaction.
The nonce in ethereum is the transaction count.

2. Once you get a transaction hash you can check its status with EthGetTransactionReceipt.

3. If the user sends the transaction hash then you can verify it with EthGetTransactionReceipt. You do need to take care not to verify an old transaction.
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