I need get source code some website when use webapp to make website
But some website need excute javascript first to get source code.
In b4a and b4j with gui i can use webview and webview extra to make it
But with webapp type (b4j no gui), i only use httpjob, can not excute javascript,
have any method as webview in webapp view to get source after excute javascript???
If the server is not too busy then you can create a UI application that does it and writes the response with Log. You can start it from the server with jShell.
If the server is not too busy then you can create a UI application that does it and writes the response with Log. You can start it from the server with jShell.
You might find it easiest to have your UI app write data to a file in a directory. That directory will be watched by the server app using the jFileWatcher library. When the library raises the File_Modified or File_Created event in the server app, the server app can inspect the file.