webKit example


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Longtime User
I am learning b4a now and not an expert.
developed a simple web browser and want to share it with the other learner of B4A.

Those who know b4a better by this time..i need some help.
1. how to auto hide the soft keyboard on "Go" button press? [must be easy]
2. how to implement full screen feature?

I think after the implementation of these two feature it will be a good basic example of using WebView in application.

attaching the code for reference.
View attachment WebKit.zip


Licensed User
Longtime User
1) currently not possible, look here
2) In the IDE Menu Project/Activity Properties/Full Screen

Best regards.

:sign0148: I thought I was missing something basic,
thankx for the direction, Klaus,
did you see the attached code.? could you suggest something more to make it a std. example for the forum.?
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