Hi, I'm updating an APP that was using UltimateWebView library to WebkitLibrarySet but I'm having some troubles creting child windows, I'm trying this whay (that was working with UWV) the function is triggered but it seems that the child window is never created
I'm checking child windows to see if it is created but in .WebChromeClient.WebViewsChildrenViews the list is empty, Is there any other step to create child windows with WebKitLibrarySet?
Private Sub WKWebView1_CreateChildWindow (IsDialog As Boolean, IsUserGesture As Boolean) As WebkitWebView
Log("Added New Child Window")
'Return Null if you do not want to create child window. Page will not be loaded!
NewUltimateView.Settings.ImportSettingsFrom(WKWebView1.WebView) 'Import settings from main UltimateWebView without referencing.
Return NewUltimateView 'Return created UltimateWebView like child window. Library will do the rest. You can initialize all needed events for this child.
End Sub
I'm checking child windows to see if it is created but in .WebChromeClient.WebViewsChildrenViews the list is empty, Is there any other step to create child windows with WebKitLibrarySet?