Dim lbmp As Bitmap, lbok As Boolean
lbok = False
Dim cnt As Int
For cnt = 0 To 50
If lbok = False Then
lbok = True
lbmp = wv_img.CaptureBitmap
lbok = False
Log("capturebitmap failed")
End Try
End If
needs to be destroyed immediately. i suggest fire.
although waiting for page load can usually solve a lot of problems, it depends on what is being loaded. for example, if a webpage runs a command to load another page or to perform some operation, page load only refers to the first webpage. the second load or the operation to be carried out are not covered. do you understand? it's like starting an automobile and then driving somewhere. starting the automobile = page load. driving somewhere = .....
you may need to wait for something else.
you might want to post the project.