Webview data to text file
I use a webview to display filtered data from a table.How can I get that same data saved to a text file or sms message body?
Managed to get a single record but not with multiple records.
I use a webview to display filtered data from a table.How can I get that same data saved to a text file or sms message body?
Managed to get a single record but not with multiple records.
Sub ShowTableTrip
Private Query As String
Query = "SELECT Passenger.Name AS Passenger,Destination.Name AS Destination, date(Trip.Date / 1000, 'unixepoch') AS Date, Trip.Amount as Payment "
Query = Query & " FROM Trip, Passenger, Destination"
Query = Query & " WHERE Passenger.rowID = Trip.PassengerID AND Destination.rowID = Trip.DestinationID "
If Starter.FilterActive = True Then
Query = Query & Starter.FilterQuery
End If
wbvTable.LoadHtml(Utils.ExecuteHtml(Starter.SQL1, Query, Null, 0, True))
End Sub
'Reads the table rowIDs in the IDList for each table
Sub ReadDataBaseIDs
Private Row As Int
Starter.TripIDList.Initialize 'initialize the ID list
'We read only the ID column and put them in a List
Cursor1 = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT rowID FROM Trip")
If Cursor1.RowCount > 0 Then 'check if entries exist
Starter.TripIDList.Initialize 'initialize the ID list
For Row = 0 To Cursor1.RowCount - 1
Cursor1.Position = Row 'set the Cursor to each row
Starter.TripIDList.Add(Cursor1.GetLong2(0)) 'add the ID's to the ID list
ToastMessageShow("No items found", False)
End If
Starter.PassengerIDList.Initialize 'initialize the ID list
Cursor1 = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT rowID FROM Passenger")
If Cursor1.RowCount > 0 Then 'check if entries exist
Starter.PassengerIDList.Initialize 'initialize the ID list
For Row = 0 To Cursor1.RowCount - 1
Cursor1.Position = Row 'set the Cursor to each row
Starter.PassengerIDList.Add(Cursor1.GetLong2(0)) 'add the ID's to the ID list
ToastMessageShow("No items found", False)
End If
Starter.DestinationIDList.Initialize 'initialize the ID list
Cursor1 = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT rowID FROM Destination")
If Cursor1.RowCount > 0 Then 'check if entries exist
Starter.DestinationIDList.Initialize 'initialize the ID list
For Row = 0 To Cursor1.RowCount - 1
Cursor1.Position = Row 'set the Cursor to each row
Starter.DestinationIDList.Add(Cursor1.GetLong2(0)) 'add the ID's to the ID list
ToastMessageShow("No items found", False)
End If
Cursor1.Close 'close the cursor, we don't need it anymore
End Sub
'Routine from the DBUtils demo program, equivalent to the Click event
Sub wbvTable_OverrideUrl (Url As String) As Boolean
'parse the row and column numbers from the URL
Private values() As String
values = Regex.Split("[.]", Url.SubString(7))
Private Row As Int
Row = values(1)
Starter.SelectedTripID = Starter.TripIDList.Get(Row)
Starter.smsTable = Starter.TripIDList
Return True 'Don't try to navigate to this URL
End Sub