something like this should work.
Select Url
Case ""
Dim WebResourceResponse1 As WebResourceResponse
Dim in As InputStream
Dim urlbytes() As Byte = "".GetBytes("UTF8")
WebResourceResponse1.Initialize("text/html", "UTF8", in)
Return WebResourceResponse1
Case Else
' default action - let the webView retrieve the resource
Return Null
End Select
1) no guarantees regarding the validity of the url
2) no guarantees regarding the validity of the url for the responserequest
3) no guarantees regarding the validity of the double "&&" in the responserequest. it should probably be a single "&"
4) you say "its xmlhttp in page". i don't know what "xmlhttp" is. if you are referring to an "xmlhttprequest", that is something done through javascript. the documentation for shouldInterceptRequest indicates that it is not used for javascript. if you are sending an xmlhttprequest, you'll have to handle it differently. it may be a challenge to get it to work with shouldInterceptRequest, given the response that shouldInterceptRequest accepts.
5) technically, you should probably pass the responserequest url through a urlencoder before converting to bytes. especially, if you will allow users to use url's of their own devising.