thanks for the code snippet. things are becoming
unless you're extending webview yourself, you
have to use webviewextras (or some other similar
library) to inject javascript. i can't imagine what you
were doing before.
your pagefinished sub is wrong.
1) you absolutely need log entries. don't use toast.
2) it's unlikely url is going to contain "success" (and you don't need to re-assign url).
i'm not sure what you think pagefinished is supposed to return, but "success" is not it.
3) you need an "else" clause. as it stands now, you have no way of knowing whether
or not pagefinished even fires (it does. you simply never ask it what it returned.)
If url.Contains("success") Then
log("i didn't get success, but i did get: " & url)
End If
i think you'll be surprised. (or maybe i will

. let's see.)