WebView Plugins Issue?


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I am using a WebView for the main activity in my app. In my app if I am viewing a webpage with a flash object, Canon U.S.A., Inc. is an example. The flash object is on top, when I scroll the page it covers the editbox and button controls. If I click a control that adds a new view and opens a panel, the flash object covers it as well. The flash object is like it is set to Allways-on-top and full screen viewing area. I have tried most everything I could think of and the flash object is still on top. The webview starts at left=0 and top=60, so nothing should show in the top 60 pixels of the display, but the flash object breaks these bounds as you scroll and even covers up the buttons in this top area of the layout, outside the WebView. Any ideas how to correct this?:sign0163:




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Webview and Flash Issue

Is there an easy way in B4A to detect if the current URL has flash content. If so, I could issue WebView.LoadURL("") just before my Panel pops up and on exit from my panel I could reload the page with flash content.


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