Android Question Webview retain zoom setting?


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I have an application which is using plain old Webview to load in a URL containing an image at regular intervals. The problem I'm having is that the image itself appears on the screen scaled smaller than the webview layout. This is understandable and also because it may not necessarily have the same aspect ratio (although always the same image size for an image from a given URL). I have allowed the zoom control to be enabled so the user can pinch zoom and adjust the position of the image but of course when the URL is then reloaded at a later time the zoom is lost and back to small image being displayed. Just wondering if there is any way to capture the zoom parameters (scale and translation) and then apply these for the next time the image is loaded? Obviously I may have to consider other ways of doing things rather than using a webview, but for now just wonder if there is something I'm missing which might be able to do it with that.