web-yacht Member Licensed User Longtime User Wednesday at 8:43 AM #1 hi, i'm using webview is there a way to call https url with self signed certificate? in b4a i'm using UltimateWebView and UltimateWebView1_ReceivedSslError callback to manage it thank you
hi, i'm using webview is there a way to call https url with self signed certificate? in b4a i'm using UltimateWebView and UltimateWebView1_ReceivedSslError callback to manage it thank you
aminoacid Active Member Licensed User Longtime User Wednesday at 6:29 PM #2 web-yacht said: hi, i'm using webview is there a way to call https url with self signed certificate? in b4a i'm using UltimateWebView and UltimateWebView1_ReceivedSslError callback to manage it thank you Click to expand... Not sure if this will work, but try: #ATSEnabled: False This allows http access. So it "may" be forgiving about https sites will invalid or self-signed certs. Upvote 0
web-yacht said: hi, i'm using webview is there a way to call https url with self signed certificate? in b4a i'm using UltimateWebView and UltimateWebView1_ReceivedSslError callback to manage it thank you Click to expand... Not sure if this will work, but try: #ATSEnabled: False This allows http access. So it "may" be forgiving about https sites will invalid or self-signed certs.
web-yacht Member Licensed User Longtime User Thursday at 10:59 AM #3 thank you, I already tried with #ATSEnabled: False and http but it doesn't work. Also added exception with: B4X: #PlistExtra: <key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key><dict><key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key><true/> #PlistExtra: <key>NSExceptionDomains</key><dict> ... but it doesn't work Upvote 0
thank you, I already tried with #ATSEnabled: False and http but it doesn't work. Also added exception with: B4X: #PlistExtra: <key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key><dict><key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key><true/> #PlistExtra: <key>NSExceptionDomains</key><dict> ... but it doesn't work
Erel B4X founder Staff member Licensed User Longtime User Thursday at 3:00 PM #4 Check this: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...zewithcustomconfiguration.127088/#post-795828 Upvote 0