Vimeo player inserted:
Dim nview As Int = 0
For Each id As Int In listaVideos.Keys
Dim datos As Map = listaVideos.Get(id)
Dim videoID As Int = datos.Get("idvideo") ' Cambiar para usar claves del Map
Dim videoDESCRIPCION As String = datos.Get("descripcion")
Dim videoREFERENCIA As String = datos.Get("referencia")
Dim videoPROVEEDOR As String = datos.Get("proveedor")
Dim embedURL As String = $"${videoREFERENCIA}?autoplay=0&controls=1&loop=0"$
Dim vidWebview As WebView
vidWebview.JavaScriptEnabled = True
svVideosEntrenamiento.Panel.AddView(vidWebview, vidLeft, vidTop, vidWidth, vidHeight)
svVideosEntrenamiento.Panel.GetView(nview).Background = vidBackground
vidTop = vidTop + 60%y
nview = nview + 1
Hello, i have this code, and it works when try to load the video into the webview, but when i play the video there is a 'V' link, the V from Vimeo that redirect the video to a new url from vimeo web. I try to capture this event but not works. I use JavaScriptEnabled = True, but do not recognize the event click in the V letter.
I tried tu capture the event because i donn't want that de url change and only show the video
Thanks to all
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