Weird Bug I've haver seen


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I have a Main activity and a module named utils.

In module utils I created a sub called descodifica (means decode in english)

in Main activity I call utils.descodifica

While in debbug mode (I'havent tried release). The app gives an error as soon as it gets there. (close message)

I couldn't see nothing wrong with the code inside the I renamed the sub to descodificador (means decoder in english)

and it works...

I tried 3 or 4 times...always the same.

Not a big problem, but I just wonder why ?

B4A 2.52


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As I said..weird

Today it works.

I haven't changed anything on the code...just the sub name.

Checked the all project again just to ensure I had nothing else with the same name..and there isn't.

Maybe something with the emulator...I don't know.

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