Hi! I've set up a Dropbox Business account to let users participate in various ways by contributing to the concept of "Database Modules" which is part of my project Athena Lite Pro v1.1.
The project is moving forward and it's time to showcase it. So as I'm building it with B4X tools I wanted to start by you in this forum see it first
Please visit Starcloud Matrix for visitors
here and leave your comments. You can find out what my project is all about
It will be possible to access the cloud from the app as a visitor or as an admin.
The one who are interested to contribute will have a password to be able to log in as an admin.
Everybody else can benefit from downloading everything related to create their own database modules.
My hope is to start a new subculture hype that will boost the interest for database modules as a concept.
Currently I'm working on a Workshop manager to make it possible to mount two modules and copy/move content.
What do you think?