Thanks thetashsk for your reply
I upload the Arduino sketch
Compiler run without error or warning message
As Board I select WEMOS D1 (retired)
The LED is blinking
The Serial Monitor screenshot
shows the scan interval is 5s as expected but no network is found.
The WEMOS D1R1 is new, not used before. I have 3 identical WEMOS D1R1, all with same behavior
With the Boardmanager is installed Version 2.3.0 for ESP8266
Looking forward any further successions, hints or help?
I delete the Boardmanager JSON files.
Now I was able to install the Version 2.5.0 stable for ESP8266
This Version allows to delete the FLASH and the WIFI settings.
Now I get reported all networks found with WIFI.SCAN
Seems there were wrong WIFI settings for some reason.
Thanks to all read my Post and give reply.
I wish my problem is solved now.