What are your programming languages ?


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I wrote my first line of code with "Locomotive Basic" on Amstrad CPC464 in 1984.
I found it fascinating that by writing lines of code, it is possible to make small games and animations on a screen.
But I was more interested in technology than in programming.
So I studied electronics. Which allowed me later to create programmable cards with ROM.
To make these cards work you had to write a program and store it in ROM.
It was from there that I really started to do programming. Even if I already did it before for my pleasures.
At the time, I mainly used Quick Basic. With the evolution of languages, I switched to Visual Basic.

A few years later, the big "INTERNET" machine arrived. It was really amazing.
Maximum speed of 56Kb/s, but most often it was around 20Kb/s.
No matter how fast times passed, I wanted to be part of it.

It is quite naturally that I started with ASP and an IIS server.
But php was much more powerful and with JavaScript added, it was simply fabulous.
Then I also wrote websites with ColdFusion in addition to php.

I did this job for years. Then I gave it all up. I couldn't do it anymore. Too much work, too much stress.
I did another job.

Now that I no longer work, I wanted to do some programming again, but mainly for Smartphones.
Not knowing JAVA, I looked on the web which language I could use.
And there, Ho! miracle I came across B4X.

Thank you @Erel for giving everyone the opportunity to make applications on Smartphone.


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The habit started around 1982 :eek:

IBM Basic - Loved those 5 inch disks!
Rocky Mountain Basic (Hewlett Packard)
GW Basic (Think I got my first HDD Card around here)
Casio Programmable Calculator Basic
Psion 3 & 5 Basic
Quick Basic For DOS
Visual Basic for Windows Ver 1-???. PC and Pocket PC. I probably stuck with Visual Studio for way too long. Maybe should have tried Basic for PPC?


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GW Basic, Turbo Basic - during college
Turbo Pascal - during college
Delphi Pascal, Visual Basic, Borland C++
dot42 (Android app dev using C#/SharpDevelop)
C#/ASP.NET/Delphi.NET, MySQL, Apache - work application web server/browser-based tools development
HTML/CSS/JS- work application web/browser-based tools development
MATLAB/GNU-Octave - freelance engineering technical services
B4A, SQLite - assisted in student mobile app projects
B4J, SQLite - work-related application tools
LaTeX - document markup language in my technical engineering documents
B4X - present work-related application tools in progress, future mobile/wireless/web/server/IoT/AI/scientific/engineering/commercial app dev endeavors/interests
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  1. C (can't remember which IDE I used) first programming language in college, just to learn (and forget) what link list and pointers are. And lost how sorting algorithm like bubble sort works.
  2. Java (to learn OOP and applet) second programming language. Too difficult for me but I have to learn now because it is useful in B4X development.
  3. Visual Basic 6.0 (Windows programming) - my interest to programming journey begins, due to how easy it is to create a GUI app. Got my first job. Usually use VB6 with Crystal Reports.
  4. HTML4 (+CSS) - start to learn building website (geocities) as personal blog and company website.
  5. JavaScript - learn simple scripts when started. Now, I know a bit of jQuery, AJAX, Angular, Vue and ReactJS. Learning Bootstrap is very useful.
  6. Prolog - no idea what I learn in AI course, Hunt the Wumpus game I submitted as course work was not working with AI.
  7. Flash - anyone still remember? I use it for creating a video during a Multimedia course.
  8. MATLAB - use a while during a semester, all forgotten now.
  9. SQL - started with no good understanding of JOIN tables, use ADO to connect to MS Access database. Now I have used MS Access, MS SQL Server and Express, MySQL, SQLite, DBF, Firebird, Firebase, Redis. I also have some skills in ETL and SRS Reporting Server.
  10. Classic ASP 3.0 (VBScript) - Start to create basic web app. Web Development begins. Chosen ASP instead of PHP because I am more familiar with VB.
  11. ASP.NET - Started with .NET Framework 2.0 with VB.NET for my second job. Use .NET WebForms and WinForms with .NET Framework 4.5 and stopped.
  12. C# - Use to maintain company existing system but give up to learn beyond .NET Core 2.0
  13. PHP - start to learn when using WordPress, develop with MVC and PDO, started with CodeIgniter and Yii then continue to learn Laravel and some other frameworks when free. Learning PHP extends my knowledge to use MySQL database with PHPMyAdmin and Adminer.
  14. JSP - Learn some basic to prepare for an interview
  15. Python - learn to use with Django and Flask
  16. Ruby - learn some beginner courses
  17. Perl - learn some beginner courses
  18. Gambas - learn some beginner tutorial
  19. RealBasic/XOJO - learn some beginner tutorial
  20. VBA - use in previous company refreshable Excel
  21. Objective-C - little knowledge, to use during B4i development
  22. B4X - the major language now (B4A, B4i, B4J, B4R)
Edit: I also learn a bit of MQL4/5 recently


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  1. C64 basic
  2. 6502 assembler
  3. Pascal
  4. Prograph CPX
  5. RealBasic
  6. Batch scripts
  7. PHP and SQL
  8. Shell scripts
  9. Python
  10. JavaScript
  11. B4X
I think that's it. Most of the languages I only know enough to be dangerous.


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  1. Basic on Coco 3 color tandy (radio shack)
  2. Visual basic
  3. Html ASP + ms acces for the fisrt dynamic web site
  4. Conversion to php and mysql less $$
  5. Basic for android B4A and few years later B4I and B4J
  6. Now, for my project, php javascript mysql
  7. Wife: because programing is a second job, I have to adjusting the algorithm between my computer and her for less bug as possible. ?


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  1. C64 basic
  2. 6502 assembler
  3. Pascal
  4. Prograph CPX
  5. RealBasic
  6. Batch scripts
  7. PHP and SQL
  8. Shell scripts
  9. Python
  10. JavaScript
  11. B4X
I think that's it. Most of the languages I only know enough to be dangerous.
I guess I am as dangerous as you are, see how little I know. ?


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  1. C64 basic
  2. Z80 m.l.
  3. Turbo Pascal
  4. Rapidq (little)
  5. PHP (little)
  6. SQL(little)
  7. Java (little)
  8. Python (little)
  9. JavaScript (little)
  10. C# (Little)
  11. HTML 2.0
  12. B4X
  13. VB6
  14. VB.NET
  15. Delphi (little)
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OMG... What languages I have some experience with?

The beginnings:
Fortran (on IBM/370)
BASIC (Commodore BASIC on C64/C128, Turbo-BASIC with a compiler (loved that!!!) on Atari 130XE, later GFA-BASIC on Atari 1040 STF)
Logo! (and Turtle)
6502-Assembler (tricky but very fast, the CPU was only able to compute half of a byte (4Bit))
Z80-Assembler (yeah, real 8 Bit!)
68000-Assembler (unbelievable fast, 16 Bit!)

Changed to MS-DOS and Windows:
Borland's Turbo-Pascal (real new horizons in speed, but missing the support for good graphic on the early 8-Bit DOS/Windows-computers)
C++ (? no, really never found a door to that cryptic language, it simply was to different for my brain)
Visual Basic (VBA) 5.0, 6.0 (and the fun was back with Windows 3.1(1), 95, 98, XT, 2000

...and then realized that everything was already invented and programmed, lost interest in programming until:

started with B4A (+SQL) and loved it immediately (now totally upset with latest restrictions of the system and lost interest in that commercial monster it became)
switched to B4J and the fun is back!

Think that's it...


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Assembly (mainly x86 and cracking applications)

I started programming with C++/ASM around 12 years ago. I mainly developed and sold video game hacks (aimbot, wall hacks, etc), and cracked commercial applications. I have since moved away from the dark side and started doing more progressively moral things with B4X!!

John Naylor

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ZX-BASIC (ZX-81 & Spectrum)
Sharp BASIC (MZ80K)
Z80A Assembly
GW Basic
Borland Turbo C
Borland Turbo C++
Borland Turbo Pascal


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Gwbasic (junior)
Qbasic (junior)
Dbase III PLUS -IV (senior)
SUMMER87 (senior)
Clipper 5 (senior)
Fivewin (junior ++++)
Fwppc (junior++++)
Harbour (junior++++)
FOXPRO ( Senior)
VisualFoxPro 5-6-7-8-9-10 ( senior)
Vb.Net ( junior)
B4X ( junior ++++++)

William Lancee

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And indeed there will be time
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Time to turn back and descend the stair,
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock BY T. S. ELIOT
The Poem

Fortran (My first program - Newton's method for finding the square root of a number)
WatFor (at my Alma Mater, the fastest Fortran - use of hashing for table lookup, a one-pass compiler)
AutoCoder (For the detail oriented)
ECAP (For electronic engineers)
Cobol (By far my least favourite)
Lisp (The most restrictive)
SPSS (Stats - what more can I say?)
F8 Machine code (The Fairchild early microprocessor - 1024 bytes of memory)
APL (Most challenging but most succinct for Mathematical computing - loved those keyboards)
SNOBOL (Designed for natural language computing - the ultimate use of IIF in every line of code)
ALGOL (For common computing algorithms - I taught a class of engineering students as an intro to programming with this tool)
MSBasic (I wrote a Basic script to preprocess the code to convert labels to line numbers - but it was still spaghetti code)
QBasic (A definite improvement on MSBasic)
VB.Net (probably the most productive general purpose language of its time - from idea to executable in hours - no need for C variants)
Javascript and PHP (Necessary for Web programming - very undisciplined - extremely hard to debug)
ActionScript (For Flash based projects - mostly obsolete now)
B4X (My go to language in retirement - favourite features: Smart Strings, B4Xpages, Classes, BBCodeView, B4XLibs, CLV, Cross-Platform, and no {;})
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Applesoft Basic
Dbase III Plus - IV
Clipper 87
VisualFoxPro 9


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◦ ASM Z80
◦ ASM '51
◦ ASM '86 (16/32/64)
◦ ASM ST6x, ST7x, ..., ST32x
◦ Arduino IDE
◦ AVR Studio
◦ first true love☺️: dBase (II, III, III Plus, IV, V), Visual dBASE, CA CLIPPER, CA dbFAST, XBase++, Harbour, xHarbour
◦ RPG (II, III/400, IV/ILE)
◦ C, C++
◦ MS BC7
◦ MS VISUAL BASIC 3.0, ..., 6.0
◦ HTML/XML/CSS, ASP (classic, .NET), PHP, JavaScript, VBScript
◦ B4PPC, B4A, B4J, B4R
◦ Android Studio & SDK Tools
◦ SQLite
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At University around 1970 we were pushed into Fortran "because you'll need it". Write code on paper, one-finger type it into a machine which gives you a strip of paper with holes in it and if that actually ran, someone would translate that into a punched card. Not quick... We considered it a complete waste of time and continually checked the results from the University computer with our slide rules.

Much later the bug bit when Tandy started selling the TRS80 with basic, followed by a ZX81 and later ZX Spectrum which progressed to Z80 assembler and making Eproms for it. Then the Sinclair QL, Qdos basic plus a bit of assembler leading to the Atari ST, GFA Basic but also something called "Megamax C" to see what all the fuss was about.

IBM PCs became affordable, the usual Basic but this time also dBase2, 3 & Clipper until Windows came along with Visual Basic on a very modern 3" disc.

And that's about it, Visual Basic/Studio in all it's forms has done well by me. Frontpage97 got me interested in website design, picked up some HTML & Javascript from that and moved to Expression Web4, but basically I've stayed with Visual Studio ever since.

When I finally got an Android smart phone I started on Android studio after a long break from programming and struggled with the concept (and a PC that was too slow) until someone told me about B4A, which made life sooo much easier !


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I will only list those where I actually put some effort into trying to learn them and leave "brief encounters" out of the list; I will also not include non-programming languages stuff like JSON, XML, MarkDown, Ascii-Doc or HTML:
  • Various BASIC dialects: From Casio PB100 and Sharp PC-1211 pocket calculators to "real" computers -- Sinclar ZX81 (with 1 Kilobyte of RAM), ZX Spectrum, Apple ][, IBM PC (BASICA), then QuickBasic, PowerBASIC, Visual Basic, RealBasic/Xojo, BlitzMax, B4X, Gambas and a few others that I have forgotten, including an interesting BASIC dialect for some weird Siemens-Nixdorf midrange computer system back in the 1980s. I'm currently playing a bit with PureBasic and FreeBasic. I have a soft spot for BASIC languages.
  • 6502 Assembler on the Apple ][
  • Pascal: UCSD Pascal (Apple ][), Turbo Pascal, Borland Object Pascal, and now and then I'm looking at Free Pascal's implementation of these things.
  • COBOL & JCL on IBM MVS (running on an IBM mainframe ownded by Deutsche Bank)
  • SQL (I learned IBM DB2-SQL first, on the mentioned IBM mainframe; I only list SQL here because T-SQL qualifies as a Turing-complete language, so it's no longer just a structured query language)
  • C++ (What can I say? I totally dislike curly braces languages and never understood how this poorly designed, ugly language could win over Pascal - or even its own ancestor, C.)
  • Java (See previous remark.)
  • Xbase++ (I actually worked in technical writing/documentation and tech support for the company that created it, back in the late 1990s)
  • C# (The one exception to my curley braces allergy - I actually liked C# 1.0; but that's probably because it was designed by the very same guy who gave us Turbo Pascal in the 1980s, Anders Hejlsberg.)
  • ActionScript (I actually liked Flash and programming it - and I hated Steve Jobs for successfully killing that nice tool.)
  • Python (Yet another BASIC dialect in my book - While the language itself might be nice enough, I don't like its slow execution and the deployment nightmares that it brings to the table.)
  • Go (even though Go has an awesome mascot and Robert Griesemer, one of its creators, studied under Niklaus Wirth, the creator of the original Pascal, Go is a weird language with weird rules)
  • Lua (Believe it or not, this is the default language in my current job - it's embedded in our product and we develop most new product features in Lua.)


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Fortran in college. Write it on paper. Take it to the computer center and type it in to punch the cards. Submit the card deck. Come back the next day for your printout.
Microsoft Basic - Bought a Tandy Model 100 about 1985? Came with a daisy wheel printer and a 1 year subscription to CompuServe (this was pre-internet). There was no WYSIWYG (40 column X 8 line display) and I didn't like having to print out my letters over and over until they looked right on paper. Found the model 100 came with something called "Microsoft Basic" so I wrote a program that would read my text files, draw an outline of a piece of paper and then put my text in it - each printable character was one pixel.
QuickBasic for DOS. I was doing some graphics to the screen and found it very slow so I tried C and it was just as slow so I did what I needed in Assembly.
TAS - https://www.addsuminc.com/taspro.htm One of the first 4GL languages (DOS) - completely integrated with BTRIEVE. Fast and simple to use.
All of the Visual Basics - heavy on VB for applications. We ported our TAS Shop Management Program to VB and it is still in use today.
PHP - A little because I needed it but what a pain.