What CAD-software is with open .sch format ?


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Longtime User
the cad software creates the wires himself

Task is to create the .SCH-file by our app, we cannot rule by the CAD-software.

represented as a list of points
No, each component must be created, creating rectangle (as my simplest abstract solution), pins.
Each net must be created by creating wires (that must be drawn _somehow_ depending on several rules as i described above). Or by text labels placed at the same coordinates of the pins, as my solution.
KiCAD also requires initially to create the library built-in into the sch file.

No, i'm sure to draw lots of wires in the schematic programmatically = automatically for user - it's impossible if by some "simple" way. It's the same hard routing task like in the PCB tracks routing.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hmmm I just re-dowloaded easyEDA, and am looking at the created file with notepad++... The wires are indeed created by defining them, although I can't exactly pin the format used... I'm be sending you a PM shortly...
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