What Is Currently The Best AI B4X Programmer?


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I used ChatGPT-4o quite a bit today and probably saved at least an hour of programming.

Then I ran into the free limit. (It was awesome while it lasted.)

So, now I'm really interested in integrating an AI-helper into my IDE.

What is everybody's experiences so far with the variety of coding LLMs? There's Claude, Google, OpenAI, etc. Which one seems to be best? Is there a consensus? Are they all basically the same?


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I would ask the AI how current it's knowledge is. For example if you ask CoPilot it says it's data is based on data available up to 2021.


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Gemini still has a long way to go but in my experience it has improved vastly since its launch. It is currently competent with the code it generates but in general no AI model is 100 percent fissible. Sometimes you have to correct some of the generated code but they are a help.


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I'm trying to test a few of them specifically for B4X. ChatGPT-4o and Gemini have so far performed well enough that I'm willing to pay for them. Even if they give me inaccurate results, it's not like I'm putting it straight into production!


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All of them are dumbasses, they repeat mistakes all the time, even if you correct them.

Contact a professional, an expert and ingenious one, for example me, who costs little, only €200 / hour.

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All of them are dumbasses, they repeat mistakes all the time, even if you correct them.

Well, so far, I've had a great experience.

I'm not beyond hiring people for jobs. I've done it a lot in the past few years. But for quick coding needs, and especially when I can't find the answer on the forum with one search, an AI helper is awesome! YMMV. Crossing my fingers.


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I tried both ChatGPT 4 and Perplexity.

The second one I recently asked for lists of names - of various things. It was duplicating names, so I pointed that out to it, wrote to it that I wanted unique names.
"Now I understand, you want unique names, not repeated ones. Here's the list:"
And again duplicate names, quite a few.

Me to ChatGPT:
"Those methods, AAA, BBB, CCC, do not exist in B4J's DDD class"

ChatGPT: "You are right, AAA, BBB, CCC methods do not exist in B4J's DDD class, sorry for my mistake. Here is the modified source:"

Guess what? Full of AAA, BBB, CCC methods again (and again, and again, and...)
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You guys forgot that AI companies are in fact companies, Duh!..
I used one of them and found the code very accurate! But you must understand. You have to pay more tokens to ask it to correct the code (mistakes). The result is a perfect app running as expected.
Just use more tokens and you will be fine.
Use more prmt tokens to send the log files and they will use your additional tokens and send you the result

Murphy's Law #7:
"If a company finds a way to take money from you it will."



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1 - I used ChatGPT 4.0 - it is free until it gets bored (I don't know if it due to timeout or number of answer lines) and from that moment it only offers you version 3.5, until, hours and hours later, it starts using version 4.0 again.
For many hours, a few days, I tried to make it generate what would have been useful to me (B4J) but I had to abandon it, it corrected some errors that I had pointed out and added new or "old" ones (previous ones)

2 - If a company or employer paid me more, I wouldn't be able to do better than I know how.


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CoPilot has changed over the last few days, whereas it gave nice technical answers to a question, now it's giving 'light-hearted' answers.

I really didn't expect replies with 'Invocation spells' referring to a method calls.

TBH my view of AI has really gone down after these latest episodes.


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The important thing in writing a prompt for AI is to avoid controversial topics. Known names, ethnicities.. specific politics .. etc.
The workaround is to rename things and you are good to go.
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