B4XTable is a paged based table. The UI is made of a horizontal xCLV. The data is stored in an in-memory SQLite database. How to use? 1. Add a B4XTable with the designer. 2. Add the columns: B4XTable1.AddColumn("US County", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_NUMBERS) B4XTable1.AddColumn("Name"...
In my opinion this is the wrong question to ask. When you start to develop an application you should begin with asking the customer what they want, or at least to try to imagine what they want. If you are the only user then you can choose anything, but if you were to ask me then I might say "Well, I would like to see a scrollable list of employee names. When I select a name I would like to see all the relevant employee data displayed on a single screen if possible, or maybe use a subscreen or up/down scrollable screen if there is too much to be readable on one page.".
But that is just me - I am old-fashioned and they do things differently now (but not so well).