I know about globals and how to use them in other languages but in Basic4Andriod, what is the difference between the Sub Process_Globals vs just Sub_Globals?
Process globals are public across the whole project. They can be accessed by all activities. Globals can only be accessed in the activity that they were defined in.
Sorry to revive an old topic but I had a question regarding Process Globals and I felt it would fit in here.
If I declare a Process Global in the main activity and then close the main activity to open a new one, then is the Process Global still accessible? Or does it die since I closed the activity that created it?
Variables declared in Globals have the same lifecycle as the Activity where they were declared.
Valiables declared in Process_Globals (in any Activity module) are accessible from all other activities, but need to have, in other modules, as a prefix the module name where they were declared.
Example variable declared in Main:
In the Main module MyVariable = 10
In any other module Main.MyVariable = 10