On high resolution devices / tablets 100%x * 100%y might be too large. You can load a smaller image instead. Note that CreateScaledBitmap will not help here.
It depends whether the image dimensions are bigger than the screen size.
CreateScaledBitmap resizes precisely the image, contrary to LoadBitmapSample. When you use LoadBitmapSample, you don't get the width and height passed as parameters, but a computation based on the nearest power of 2. With some sizes, this is not trivial.
Example for a screen size of 1280x600 with an image of 1500x800:
1500/1280=1.17, 800/600=1.33. In both cases, the nearest power of 2 (rounded down) is 1 so the final result of LoadBitmapSample is unchanged. Memory used = 1500x800x4 = 4 800 000.
After CreateScaledBitmap: 1280x600x4 = 3 072 000.
1.6 MB of difference !
And AFAIK, all devices/tablets with high resolution, even the low cost ones from China, have enough memory to display an image 100%x * 100%y.
What is important is the number of pixels per inch. On a Retina display with more than 260 pixels per inch, using an image with a lower resolution than the screen is unnoticeable. That's less true on cheaper screens.