Android Question Whatsapp Automation With Whatsapp Business


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Hi!, happy new year!, this is the 1rst message I write in the forum this 2023 so I want to use the opportunity to greet you all!! I hope this year brings good thing to everyone.

I was trying the whatsapp automation b4a project created by sfsameer and everything works great with "personal" whatsapp it detects the notification, opens whatsapp, fill and send the message and return to the app, so everithing is working great, but when I try to use the project with Whatsapp Business it detects the message notification, opens whatsapp Business and fill the message but it doesn't automatically send the message, I thinking that maybe it's not possible with whatsapp business to automatically send the message.

So I want to know if anyone in the community has already successfully used Whatsapp automation with Whastapp business? and maybe give me some direction with it.

Thank you
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