Android Question WhatsAPP - not sending text but asking to push a button


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My app from background need to send text via WhatsAPP. I applied following but WhatsAPP GUI open with number filled in and text filled in. WhatsAPP do not send the text WhatsAPP wait to push the send button manually. How do i do it automagically? (without human requirement)

        Dim Intent1 As Intent
        Intent1.Initialize(Intent1.ACTION_VIEW, $"${myService.sms_to}&text=${myService.sms_text}"$)


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This is by design. Whatsapp did NOT provide an Api for this. The User MUST be involved to prevent someone being a BOT.
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Oh no. Thats disaster in my case.
My app has to run in an unhuman existing datacenter rack rooms (per rack),
to send notification via WhatsAPP for emergency: site down, booting, server mulfuntion etc.

I cant put human in datacenter rack-rooms. Is there any other notification built-in apps (from B4A or others) which can be used just like WhatsAPP but completely automated?
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Skype has URL-Scheme.
- (IBAction)skypeMe:(id)sender
  BOOL installed = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"skype:"]];
   [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"skype:echo123?call"]];
   [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];


Can we from B4A execute/notify via Skype on iOS, Android ? (few years ago i did cant remember exactly). I do not want to put my own app to random end users because of GDPR and other terms and conditions.

I am trying to keep it simple and cheap.
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OK - I hate WhatsAPP let me down on my project.
I will use Skype (i am mostly robot apps implementer), it has what i needed.

thanks anyway!!
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I agree with @DonManfred - provided you get the subscription topics correct - it works like a dream


Given that you have access to racks and servers you could possibly also take a look at MQTT by installing the Mosquitto Broker (now called Server) and use a lightweight B4J Non-Gui server to handle your messaging centre with a Chat Type module in your app that is invoked by running a service on the respective device.
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I did that but iOS release refused so i drop all those projects and decided to use third party apps WhatsAPP. But they want human operator and refuse the way i needed. So its a fail approach.

I have my push-server's running on CentOS which works with Android but failed to release on iOS so i drop that project and decided to not waste time on that it was done project for me.

Thanks i have figured out how i will hack this i have few alternatives except WhatsAPP.

- Asterisk (Voice call from server, SMS)
- Texting using Xmpp protocol from server
- Fallback calls, using Skype
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