hi, i have a question.
i need to know my ip
I tried something like this i found a few months ago in the forum:
Sub Globals
'Declare the global variables here.
End Sub
Sub App_Start
label1.Text="my ip:"&client.getip2(client.hostname)
'label1.Text="my ip:"&server.hostname
End Sub
it does not work. it displays somthing like 2002:8567::654:32
hi erel,
sorry that i waste your time, because i didn't made a screenshot, so here it is.
i will study tomorrow more about ipv6.
do you think the code is correct? the output looks so...
after some searching on wikipedia i think you have the solution.
one question is left: whats the difference betwen external an internal ip? do you think of a submask in networks? the handheld was in gprs-mode...
please give me a hint.
If your device is connected to a router then it is assigned a local ip by the router. This is named NAT. This way the router shares a single "true" ip with many devices.
ok, that's what i thougt as i wrote about subnet. i work on the chitchat example and it works with two devices in a wlan/wifi very fast. i didn't get it to run in gprs till now.
i added an smsinterceptor-event, so it will fire when a special sms is send. it would be more elegant, if i could start the app with "runappatevent()". doe somebody know the event-number/-id?
i wanted to catch an incomming sms.
i used intercept.receivedmessage (outlook.dll) to catch, but i have to keep the program stay alive to get it work. So it would be better with startappatevent().