When he said "Its (our) job..." who is he?


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see the attached video.. but to me, he's refering to some folks up there at the top who monopalized technology and want to exclude everyone else.
We are just consumers of their work. and the everyday advancement of AI and other high tech stuff, the gab between (they) and (us) is widening everyday.
We realy don't know exactly what we are doing when we develop applications. they control us. We are construction workers.



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Whether you want to be part of the "we" is all up to you.

"We" for me in this context means the human being who live in this moment or era who have the responsibility to provide a better future to the human being civilization.

Become someone useful and can contribute to the society for the good. Don't be someone who destroy and bring harm to the world.


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Today it is like this, workers paid little. Until 20 (30/40) years ago a "simple" programmer (not a programmer analyst) earned good money.

[I haven't watched the video yet]

Listen from minute 18:30 and say who is (we). and who are those who should not study how to program.


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Listen from minute 18:30 and say who is (we). and who are those who should not study how to program.
I think he refers to young generation. The world changes everyday. We can't stick to what was happening at the past and assume it will be the same in a long time. Technology and innovation change the way we live.

If I was same as before, believing I can survive with only knowledge of VB6, I don't know what happen to me now.

As an advice, if "we" don't embrace new technology, we will left behind and stay with less choices and opportunity. It means difficult time. While people who took advantage as early adopters shall enjoy the easier, comfortable path.


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I think he refers to young generation. The world changes everyday. We can't stick to what was happening at the past and assume it will be the same in a long time. Technology and innovation

As an advice, if "we" don't embrace new technology, we will left behind and stay with less choices and opportunity. It means difficult time. While people who took advantage as early adopters shall enjoy the easier, comfortable path.

No one is calling for that.. but I am talking about discouraging of young people to study computer science and be programmers. because simply put, (WE) want what (WE) have acheived in AI and all this should be the final word and all developments and enhancements of these technologies should be by (US). If young people encouraged to be programers, instead of construction worker, and develop new tools, they may come up with new technologies that will render the current AI.. etc usleless or at least outdated. Why would someone close the door after they entered, or pull the ladder up to them after reaching the roof?
But people can be consumers of these few WEs and enjoy whatever they come up with. guided like sheep. they will be fine. but the fact is they will also be slaves with limited development roles outlined and designed for them. He called them technologists.. did you heard him saying that? he wants to create technologists not engineers.


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No one is calling for that.. but I am talking about discouraging of young people to study computer science and be programmers.
When I read about he saying "Don't learn computer science", I was like everyone else (programmers) feel furious and some kind of disagree.

But, let us be open minded. After I watch the above video, it changed my mindset.

Some people may interpreted his message differently. I don't know if anyone would rate him as a good public speaker. His message is some kind of easy to understand but at the same time has hidden message within it. I don't know if anyone has call him a genius, if you can call Elon Musk one.

Let me give my point of view on his advice on education (which is in part minute 18 onwards).

When he answered that we used to learn computer science and programming, but now it is going to be different. The technology we have now, I mean the latest computers that sell on shelf, not the old chunk sitting on top of my desk, has the capability of doing wonderful things, pair together with the software call AI, which make a great match made in heaven.

We need to ask ourself, why we learn computer science in the first place?
My answer is, at the time, we have little knowledge of what it is, so we need to understand how it works.

Why we need to learn programming?
My answer is the computer created at the time, only understand byte and machine code.

Anything has changed since then?
Yes, it has gone through a lot of evolution. The thing is computer starts to understand our natural language, instead of machine language.

So, why we still need to learn the science of computer? What is science? Science is a knowledge or theory that we need to understand how things work.
Then what is technology? Technology is the application or practical use of science.
We don't earn money with knowledge of computer but if we created or engineered a product, it makes money.

The point is not asking us (or more specifically our next generation) to dump computer science completely.
I think what Jensen mean is don't focus too much on the science, instead, learn how can we apply the technology to produce real world application.
Unless you think you want to be a lecturer for teaching the theory.
In the future, students will no longer need to learn the knowledge through traditional education, they can get the information they need at fingertips, anywhere, anytime.

So the other point is, the education system need to be revamp. Current syllabus may no longer relevant.
It needs to focus less on science of know-how but focus more on the engineering.

I think students need more skills of problem solving. This was not emphasized in our school back to the time I study. School only teach us the fundamentals. But ironically, the job interview ask you whether you have this skill.

he wants to create technologists not engineers.
I think he is referring to scientist vs engineer.
You see, I graduated in computer science but I don't call myself as computer scientist.

For me both technologist and engineer have similar meaning but opposite of a scientist. However, the definitions are always use interchangeable. Not sure I am correct, for me a scientist is someone who has knowledge of a domain, the technologist is the person know how to apply the knowledge and an engineer is the one implementing it.