Where can I find extended string utility libraries?


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I am converting a VB6 program over to B4A and am enjoying it more than I thought I would so far. However, I find myself needing to find the latest extended string utilities that would hopefully give me functions like rtrim, ltrim, mid. I saw reference to the StringsEx library somewhere here, but it was specifically for B4PPC, and I wasn't able to download to find out if it would work.

So - will the StringsEx utility work with B4A, and if so, how can I download it?



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I just found a lot of what I needed in the Core 1.18 library ... just after my previous post. Thats always how it is, isn't it?

But ... I AM a registered user of B4A, so shouldn't I be able to download StringsEx?
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You don't appear to be a registered user as you have no stars showing under your name in your posts - look at one of mine for comparison, registered users have one or more yellow or green stars. You should email support@basic4ppc.com to fix this unless you have only just purchased when I would wait for 24 hours to see if you get registered autoomatically.
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You might be interested in this Visual Basic to B4A conversion table that contains this information and a lot more.
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New Member

Where can I dload library for b4a version 2.52....I'm newbies and just started to develop android apps as hobby.
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