Android Question Where can I find help on searching?


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How can I search for something like InternalSortMode but not pieces of it( or something like sort on b4xtable column ). What I find mostly is just pieces of what I am looking for which is not what I am after. I tried. Is there a help file or tutorial on searching this forum?


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I use Google search: -"Search Results" InternalSortMode

I will try Google. Thanks!
A simple search for InternalSortMode gives the best results available in the forum:

Try it.

That does find more. I was using InternalSortMode B4J and it finds a lot of mode ,sort, and internal but very little InternalSortMode. What would be the best way to search "sort on b4xtable column" and not find all of the separate words instead?
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I was using InternalSortMode B4J
This will limit the search to B4J specific threads. As B4XTable is a cross platform library it is a mistake to limit the search.

What would be the best way to search "sort on b4xtable column" and not find all of the separate words instead?
The purpose is to find the best results, not to "not find" other results.

The results of a simple search such as: seems very reasonable.
Start with fewer terms.

If you add more terms and the results are filled with tutorials then add a filter for questions only:,22,16,26&page=1
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