Android Question Where Is Android-27


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I installed B4A 7.8 on one of my PCs. Then I followed all the steps outlined below to update the API version:
1. Tools - SDK Manager.
2. Download SDK. It will open the browser. You should download sdk-tools-windows.
3. Unzip it in a folder such as C:\Android
4. Set sdkmanager.bat in the SDK manager tool. It will be in: C:\Android\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat
5. The recommended items will be checked. Click on Install Selected.
6. Yes and No buttons will appear from time to time when you need to accept licenses. Read and accept.
7. Configure the IDE to use the new SDK. Tools - Configure Paths. Set the path to android.jar. It will be:
jdk1.8_151 is inatalled
It seems to install everything, but I cannot find Android-27.



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Peter Simpson

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Longtime User
Are you definitely looking in the correct folder, as in the new B4A SDK Manager folder and not the old Google SDK Manager folder. Also have you actually selected 27 in the SDK manager and installed it. It's installed on my machine with no issues whatsoever and is working perfect?

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Licensed User
Longtime User
I did not create a new folder. I installed it over the original in C:\Android folder , overwrote all existing files and selected all the recommended files. I tried 2 separate PCs and the result is the same
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Licensed User
Longtime User
@Peter Simpson I did create a new folder as you suggested C:\AndroidNew and extracted all the files there and proceeded with the SDK Manager installation process and it worked well. It is however odd that when I extracted the files from this file: and tried it on 2 PCs it did not work when I tried to overwrite the old files and folders because there was no Android-27 folder.
I am wondering now that since with AndroidNew folder everything is fine and works works, what happens if I rename it to c:\Android and delete my old C:\android folder. Of course I will change the configuration path on B4A.
Thank you
EDIT: I deleted the old c:\Android and renamed C:\AndroidNew to C:\Android, then changed the path config. I tested and it seems to work fine.
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