I doubt that there will ever be a version of B4A that runs on the device as it relies on various .NET and Android Studio components that are Windows only.
If you want to program small applications on the device you could look at my BasicIDE Suite. I use it with DroidEdit Pro as an external editor as, although it has some quirks, it is the most intuitive syntax highlighting editor that I have yet found. It has syntax highlighting for both VBScript and VisualBasic and either are good with BasicIDE B4S files.
thanks Agraham
I downloded your zip and after unzipped and created folder BasicIDE and so on , looking in your readme.txt I find this
"After setting up as above compile and run BasicIDE on your device"
but I don't understand, sorry, which is the compiler (consider that I'm a beginner so pheraps I ignore some for you obvious or simply I didn't understand what you are explaining)
"After setting up as above compile the BasicIDE project with BAA and run it on your device"
This is because the BasicIDE project in the archive has been cleaned and does not contain the apk.
In case you can't or don't want to compile it yourself I've made available the latest BasicIDE apk here together with an updated BasicIDEScriptHelp.html and B4AScript.chm as I have added a lot more capability recently.
ok I tried it and done first example
b = 10
rem AddEditText(a, l, t, w, h, "dai numero")
rem AddToggleButton(X, l, t, w, h, "dai numero")
b = b + IIf(a = 5, 1, -1)
rem print b
have you exaple about input from consolle I tried AddEditText but how to go ahead after inserted a value? have you some hmtl with examples
In any case thanks
As this is a GUI environment there is no console facility. You can get a similar effect using the modal dialog InputBox(prompt, title, positive, cancel, negative, inputtype)
See the USER INTERACTION FUNCTIONS topic in BasicIDEScriptHelp.html. I suggest you read this help file from start to end to see what is available.
To use the input from EditText you would check for the Enter key in the event Edit_TextChanged(who, oldtext, newtext)
Sorry, but I don't understand this question. Why html? The only examples available are in the Scripts folder in the original BasicIDE Suite_V1.zip download.