Android Question Why are all my screens changed by the Abs. Des?


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Longtime User
I uploaded a completed apk to google play. Now I find that I need to make some changes. I open the project and all the screens look different. Edit texts are see through, labels are see through, disabled views are now see through too. I haven't changed IDE version. I did notice a little 3 bar object in the upper right corner of the screen but it disappears when all views change upon connecting. Can someone tell me how to get my screens looking normal again? Possibly tell me how to prevent this in the future? I also get a message to press on back key to open menu or something and it has never done anything. Is it supposed to show a useful menu for this sort of thing?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
On older devices (Android 2.x i think) there is this 3-point-icon in upper right to get access to the Menuentries you setup with activity.AddMenu*
But to "use" it you have to set your app to have an title. On older versions like mentioned before...

If you set your app to no titlebar then it disappear when your app is fully loaded (create sub done). This part i´m not sure about when exactly it disappears
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Ah ha!
All of my designer activities have the 'show title' property set to false. Once one activity is set to true I can see the menu in the upper right corner and the back button works to show the menu. But still.. None of the selections return my screens to they way they were originally which would be whatever default is. Solid white square buttons and solid edit texts is how they used to be displayed. Is this menu documented somewhere?
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Longtime User
Thanks DonManFred. There is a menu for the look of the layout. Halo and some others. Changing them seems to have no effect.
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Longtime User
I discovered what I did. I changed the minsdkversion to 14 and everything went crazy. I'm attempting to accommodate googles suggestions but 14 isn't working. Only when I place '4' there everything is ok.
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