Android Question Why can not change or adjust the position of the views in a panel?


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Longtime User
pls see the picture bellow:

the raadio button were covered by the labels in the 3 panels. however i change the left, right value of both radio buttons and labels, the position of them can not be changed.

the radios are left=3, width=25, hight=25. and maybe they are not covered, even I remove the label beside, it behaviors the same.


pls help and thaanks in advance!

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Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
1) It's better to upload a sample, which demonstrates a problem. There is useful menu item in IDE - File, Export to zip.

2) What' s can be wrong ... I can assume only. In your case all child elements (radio buttons, labels) must have Panel as Parent.
If something has Activity as parent, it will be problems, because Left/Top are relative to parent view, not to screen.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
thank you all. but sorry for zip's coming late.

pls double check and give me the instruction.


    327.1 KB · Views: 202
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The dimensions of your RadioButtons, with 25dip, are simply too small?
Setting them to 30dip they are displayed as you expect!

You have overlapping views, why?

You have two layout variants:
320 x 600 and 320 x 607
And what for?
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thank you, klaus! thank all the friends! the problem are solved.

it is all my faults.

i use 21X25 for radio button, it is not proper even above-below direction is good but left-right direction is not. 30X30 is perfect.

overlapping the views is because the views will not at the proper position. i will try to test.

two layout variants was a mistake.

thank you all again!
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Active Member
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... I'm wondering... why don't you use the "text" property of your radio button instead of using a new label view ???
Dim Rb As RadioButton
Rb.Text = "blabla"
This will avoid all your problems ....
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Longtime User

great! i should have learned harder.

thank you, Yayou49!
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