Why can't Designer support dip or 100%x for View position/dimension?


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I'm new to B4A so maybe I'm missing something.

But wouldn't it be easier to have the Designer accept values like:

left: 25%x
width: 75%x or 100dip
height: 25%y or 25dip

for the Views properties of Left, Top, Width, and Height? It would be executed just prior to activity_resume so it responds to a change in the device orientation.

I know I can do this using code, but if the Designer accepted these values, it would be one less thing to program. If the user prefers to handle it himself or override these default postions/dimensions, then he can still write his own code in activity_resume.



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Longtime User
Beeing the designer a Visual way to create the layouts, it makes sence the values to be layout variant related...This means that if you add several layout variants to your project in the designer, and then select one, the views position and size changes according to that layout
This way, if you add 2 layouts, but only manipulate the "Base" one, The OS will use that as base for resizing and re-positioning in the other layout variants, if possible...All the designer defined values ARE dip!

Therefore, Relative values would be redundant! I think...
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