I have the following lines in code with y textbox.text full of data. When trying to save this I get an access denied error. Any idea?
Sub mnuFileSave_Click
Savedialog.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt"
if fName = "" then
Choice = savedialog.Show
if Choice = cCancel then return
fName = Savedialog.File end if
fileopen (F,fName,cWrite) s = txtbxData.Text
filewrite (F,s)
fileclose (F)
End Sub
Savedialog.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt"
if fName = "" then
fname = savedialog.file
if fname = cCancel then return
end if
fileopen (F,fName,cWrite)
s = txtbxData.Text
filewrite (F,s)
fileclose (F)
End Sub