I don't know why B4A doesn't have a splitter bar. A splitter bar is similar to a long thin panel that is only a few pixels thick, that separates two regions on the screen.
The splitter bar's orientation can be either
- Vertical so it separates two regions; one region to the left of the splitter and one region to the right of the splitter
- Horizontal so it separates two regions; one region above the splitter and one region below the splitter
The regions on each side of the splitter is usually a view like a Panel, ListView, ScrollView etc.
When the mouse (in this case a finger) drags the splitter perpendicular to its orientation, one of the views will expand its screen space and the other will shrink its screen space.
If it is a horizontal splitter (controls the Height of the top view vs the Top of the bottom view), it does this simply by adjusting the top view's Height and the bottom view's Top properties. If if is a vertical splitter then it controls the left view's Width and the right view's Left position.
This will come in very handy in B4A if the screen has say a ListView on the top half of the screen and a ScrollView at the bottom of the screen. The user can choose which View he wants to be larger (show more rows) simply by dragging the splitter.
Is there a reason why B4A doesn't have a splitter view?
Did I overlook something as to why it can't be done?