Android Question Why is this happening?


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I am getting a repeatable system crash today. Yesterday this was working. Today it is consistently crashing

    xLine = DateTime.Date(dDate)

    STATUS = "GetWinners"

    Transmit = Main.hostAddress & "?akShun=GetWinningNumbers"
    Transmit = Transmit & "&deVice=" & udf.httpstring(Main.SysDevice)
    Transmit = Transmit & "&userId=" & udf.httpstring(Main.SysUserID.ToUpperCase)
    Transmit = Transmit & "&passWord=" & udf.httpstring(Main.SysPassword.ToUpperCase)
    Transmit = Transmit & "&Date=" & udf.httpstring(xLine)
    Transmit = Transmit & "&House=" & udf.httpstring(SelectedHouse).ToUpperCase

----> it is working up to here

    Request.Timeout = 60000
    host.Execute(Request, 1)


here is the log that is produced

** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
** Activity (mainmenu) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (mainmenu) Resume **
Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x28 in tid 6624 (anager.all.bets), pid 6624 (anager.all.bets)
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint: 'motorola/rav_retus/rav:11/RPJS31.Q1-53-12-7/837f4:user/release-keys'
Revision: 'pvt1'
ABI: 'arm64'
Timestamp: 2021-11-19 10:56:35-0500
pid: 6624, tid: 6624, name: anager.all.bets >>> was.droid.manager.all.bets <<<
uid: 10384
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x28
Cause: null pointer dereference
x0 0000000000000000 x1 0000007e02334560 x2 0000000000000000 x3 ffffffffffffffff
x4 0000007fd06c2e3c x5 0000007fd06c2e30 x6 0000007f58ab9000 x7 0000000003f75412
x8 0000000000000000 x9 0000007e023345f0 x10 0000000000430000 x11 0000000000000001
x12 0000000000000084 x13 0000000000000000 x14 0000000000000002 x15 0000007f571fb090
x16 0000007f53b7e488 x17 0000007f53b71614 x18 0000007f57c82000 x19 0000007e02334560
x20 0000000000000000 x21 0000007f577f4000 x22 0000007e02334ef8 x23 0000007e02334550
x24 ffffffffffffffff x25 0000007e02334560 x26 0000000000000000 x27 0000007fd06c2e19
x28 0000000000000085 x29 0000007fd06c2cf0
lr 0000007f53b72564 sp 0000007fd06c2cf0 pc 0000007f53b71628 pst 0000000060000000
#00 pc 0000000000028628 /system/lib64/ (android::InputChannel::receiveMessage(android::InputMessage*)+20) (BuildId: 2d05b04c6efc68ca0120966825c1cfdc)
#01 pc 0000000000029560 /system/lib64/ (android::InputConsumer::consume(android::InputEventFactoryInterface*, bool, long, unsigned int*, android::InputEvent**)+208) (BuildId: 2d05b04c6efc68ca0120966825c1cfdc)
#02 pc 00000000000eab1c /system/lib64/ (android::NativeInputEventReceiver::consumeEvents(_JNIEnv*, bool, long, bool*)+280) (BuildId: bccd68d8818e4eb628ff3689975d716c)
#03 pc 00000000000ea7cc /system/lib64/ (android::NativeInputEventReceiver::handleEvent(int, int, void*)+128) (BuildId: bccd68d8818e4eb628ff3689975d716c)
#04 pc 0000000000019dac /system/lib64/ (android::Looper:ollInner(int)+916) (BuildId: d1aa3b02347f658128fc75fb371856b9)
#05 pc 00000000000199b0 /system/lib64/ (android::Looper:ollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+112) (BuildId: d1aa3b02347f658128fc75fb371856b9)
#06 pc 0000000000112bd8 /system/lib64/ (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, long, int)+44) (BuildId: bccd68d8818e4eb628ff3689975d716c)
#07 pc 0000000000211aec /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (art_jni_trampoline+140) (BuildId: cc2972b2d9235c3da5442c842765957020538413)
#08 pc 0000000000640310 /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat ( (BuildId: cc2972b2d9235c3da5442c842765957020538413)
#09 pc 000000000063c824 /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (android.os.Looper.loop+836) (BuildId: cc2972b2d9235c3da5442c842765957020538413)
#10 pc 00000000003fef90 /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat ( (BuildId: cc2972b2d9235c3da5442c842765957020538413)
#11 pc 00000000001337e8 /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+568) (BuildId: 0a722124e1d08ab1896df95b634bc489)
#12 pc 00000000001a8a94 /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+228) (BuildId: 0a722124e1d08ab1896df95b634bc489)
#13 pc 0000000000557068 /apex/ (art::InvokeMethod(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobject*, unsigned long)+1364) (BuildId: 0a722124e1d08ab1896df95b634bc489)
#14 pc 00000000004d6874 /apex/ (art::Method_invoke(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobjectArray*)+52) (BuildId: 0a722124e1d08ab1896df95b634bc489)
#15 pc 00000000000896f4 /apex/ (art_jni_trampoline+180) (BuildId: 3e3ea5103a981990f48a705f4e414e59580dd247)
#16 pc 000000000088d0d8 /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat ($ (BuildId: cc2972b2d9235c3da5442c842765957020538413)
#17 pc 0000000000895878 /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat ( (BuildId: cc2972b2d9235c3da5442c842765957020538413)
#18 pc 00000000001337e8 /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+568) (BuildId: 0a722124e1d08ab1896df95b634bc489)
#19 pc 00000000001a8a94 /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+228) (BuildId: 0a722124e1d08ab1896df95b634bc489)
#20 pc 0000000000555aa4 /apex/ (art::JValue art::InvokeWithVarArgs<art::ArtMethod*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, art::ArtMethod*, std::__va_list)+448) (BuildId: 0a722124e1d08ab1896df95b634bc489)
#21 pc 0000000000555f58 /apex/ (art::JValue art::InvokeWithVarArgs<_jmethodID*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+92) (BuildId: 0a722124e1d08ab1896df95b634bc489)
#22 pc 0000000000439934 /apex/ (art::JNI<true>::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+656) (BuildId: 0a722124e1d08ab1896df95b634bc489)
#23 pc 000000000009a424 /system/lib64/ (_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+124) (BuildId: bccd68d8818e4eb628ff3689975d716c)
#24 pc 00000000000a1b98 /system/lib64/ (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, android::Vector<android::String8> const&, bool)+836) (BuildId: bccd68d8818e4eb628ff3689975d716c)
#25 pc 0000000000003580 /system/bin/app_process64 (main+1336) (BuildId: 5463caaab2d4eb36a2d74300807a7dbc)
#26 pc 000000000004988c /apex/ (__libc_init+108) (BuildId: 1197163beea3f0b6686df3cb9bcee87c)
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **


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Are you sure that your phone didn't get any update overnight?
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Not sure.

I am adding an additional activity to do this function on the hope that it is just conflicting with some other part of the app.

Hopefully that will solve this issue
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Well-Known Member
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check this
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Thanks for the link

I moved the function to a new activity and that seems to have solved the issue - maybe it was overloaded on that original activity
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Well-Known Member
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I am actually using OKHttp

You are using Request directly, your code should look like:

Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
End If
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I finally found what the issue is.

My phone is crashing.

So now I have to reset to factory default and hope I do not have to purchase a new one!

Thank you for all your suggestions.
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