Hi guys,
I have this codes :
This is an implementation on jRDC on B4J. Tested while server was down.
Since the server was down, the Sub ExecQ, should return a false value, but instead, it always return true.
Anyone know what's wrong with those codes?
Thanks in advance.
I have this codes :
Sub Process_Globals
Private Conn As String
Private reqM As DBRequestManager
End Sub
Sub ExecQ(Command As String, Params() As Object) As Boolean
If(reqM.IsInitialized = False) Then reqM.Initialize(Me, Conn)
Dim cmd As DBCommand
cmd.Name = Command
If(Command = "ins_tmp") Then
cmd.Parameters = Params
reqM.ExecuteQuery(cmd, 0, Command)
Return True
End If
Log("err on connect!")
Return False
End Try
End Sub
This is an implementation on jRDC on B4J. Tested while server was down.
Since the server was down, the Sub ExecQ, should return a false value, but instead, it always return true.
Anyone know what's wrong with those codes?
Thanks in advance.