********************* PROGRAM STARTING ****************
Vcc, volts = 4.7370
Bat, % = 100
Marker = 213
RTC Period: 25000
Get RTC time: 16471
LastAlive = 58564
GetStoredDataLength = 0
No saved network data found.
Trying to connect to: WiFissid
WiFi connected, my ip:
InternetConnected = 1
Device_ID = F4CFA24CAFC7
Wifi, %: 100
Sensor power: trying to switch ON...
AVG: 0.4434; acx: -0.2979, acy: -0.0122 ,acz: -1.0203, Tmp: 28.7000
Time to send logs...
trying to connect to: server.com port: 80 ssl: 0
connected: server.com
>>>>>HERE SHOULD BE ABOUT JobName: API_SAVE_logs, but NO logs
JobName: API_SAVE_t2, success = 1
Response: {"ret":"ok","msg":"Data saved OK (stancontrol_t2)","new":0}
Go deep sleep for 10 secs