Android Question why RuntimePermissions.CheckAndRequest, allways show pop screen ask the recipient to turn on the sharing function in quick settings


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Longtime User
Today i have try using RuntimePermissions.

dim rp as RuntimePermissions

when we testing in oppo android 10, it will display popup to ask the permission (allow or deny), but after we click one of the button (allow/deny), it will display another pop message " Ask recipient to turn on the sharing function in quick settings".

Anyone know whats wrong??? (This only happen in Release mode)
When i try using debug mode, this is work fine...


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Licensed User
Longtime User
i guess you are doing more than the code you postet.

Checking for Runtimepermission does not show a second popup to share something. Except if i do share something.

thanks for quick respon DonManfred.

When we disable that line (checandrequest), my program don't display another popupmessage (but this don't happen to old android phone /android icecream).

Can you give me some clue, what can couse that popup message appear.


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Longtime User
When debug mode, i got this error but my apps still running (don't get popup ask sharing file)

May this couse the problem??

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