iOS Question Why works in Simulator and not in Release?

J. Rostek

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I Test my Project in Simulator. All works fine.

Then i choose my iMac Device IP Adress and Tools->Build Server->Build Release App
and now it brings an error.

on XCode works my provisining file perfect.
Whats wrong? And why i can't submit an simulator build to the App Store?

I purchase B4I for Rapid Developing and not for playing with problems. Sorry i test it now 4 weeks and nothing happens. Please Help.



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Longtime User
Are you using a local machine for compilation? Have you created your Apple dev account?
The error message is complaining about the missing devs certificate/key files
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J. Rostek

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Oh my God! it Works.
I#m so stupid.
I always create certificates with the mac not with the b4i certificate.
Thank for hints.
Erel you are a hero.
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