Wifi connection


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Hi!! I need to connect to a wireless network that has security enabled (WEP encryption). I've been taking a look to ABWifi library, but have not seen anything related.

My idea is user can choose network, some data like BSSID, Link quality, MAC... will'be showed, and user cpuld connect a network writing key in a textbox. Any idea about how can I connect to a network using WEP key provided by the user??

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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Are we able to show a list of Wifi's available
and have the user select the Wifi they want
to connect to within the app?


do we need to call ( I'd rather do it all inside of my app )

Dim i As Intent
i.Initialize( "android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS", "")
i.Flags = 268435456
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