The chip model: CP2102; There is the way to guide you to use the new version: The command you needed to use is: --baud 115200 --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART write_flash -fs 32m -ff 80m --flash_mode dio 0x00000 boot_v1.7.bin 0x1000 user1.bin 0x37c000 esp_init_data_default.bin 0x37e000 blank.bin The important part is “—flash mode dio”;
The CP2102 is just the part responsible to convert the USB connection to serial for the boards MC (ESP-12E).
If it works with Arduino IDE then it will work with B4R.
I never had one but googling show that the chip CP2102 it is used for usb-to-serial devices so it must be compatible. In "board selection" use the parameters defined in the first paragraph.
I don't really know the model you put in the link,
but I've been using this in the photo for about 1 year and it works great with B4R.
Select the board in b4r and choose NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module).
I use this in the photo:
AZDelivery ESP8266 NodeMCU Amica V2
Module ESP-12E WiFi Development Board
with CP2102 for Arduino with eBook