Window Message Lib


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I am currently trying to capture all the Virtual Key Window Messages in my program. I noticed a few things while I was doing the programming. I have a few questions to confirm with you guys.

1. For the window message trap, it seems like I need a control in order to capture certain type of window messages. For instant, I need a button control to capture the key pressed messages, and form control for something else. Am I right to say that?

2. After everything is set up correctly, I also need the control to be in focus in order to be able to trap the messages, right?

3. I have managed to capture most of the key pressed with a focus button, except several buttons like "Tab", "Alt", "Enter", "BackSpace" and so on. How can I capture all those window msges?

4. Is there any documents on what message that certain control can accept and what message the control cannot accept?

5. I also noticed that for the form control, it can raise the KeyPress Event(Special Key). And I guess that is the trigger for the Window message, am I right to say that? If so, what are those special key that form control can accept??

Thanks heaps.

Best regards



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Thanks Agraham,

I am using the KeyEvent Handler.. I think it solve my problem.


By the way, we might decide to purchase more license soon, once our manager approved, because of your team's great support. So in future, we might need a lot of supports from you. Currently, the testing of B4PPC is quite smooth as I manage to develop/show a few things, the B4PPC can do to our management, and they are very happy about it.

Thanks a lot.


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we might decide to purchase more license soon, once our manager approved, because of your team's great support.
I'm sure thet Erel will be pleased but I'm not part of any team nor part of Anywhere Software. I'm just little old :( me, sitting by myself in front of my several computers (and PDAs and phones) having fun in my retirement. :)


Active Member
Licensed User
I'm sure thet Erel will be pleased but I'm not part of any team nor part of Anywhere Software. I'm just little old :( me, sitting by myself in front of my several computers (and PDAs and phones) having fun in my retirement. :)

Hmm.. In my imagination, you are experienced and very savvy.. Most likely, retiring young and wealthy too..

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