Windows Phone 8, .Net and Basic4PPC.


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Microsoft has created a version of .Net
to run on Windows Phone 8. Could a
version of Basic4PPC be created to
run on Windows Phone 8 now ?

Basic4PPC running on a Nokia Lumia
Windows 8 phone would be cool ...


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This will still require a more or less complete rewrite (similar to creating Basic4android).

At the same time, most code should be able to be copied over to Visual Studio 2012 to develop for WP8 - the .NET version is interchangeable, because WP8 has the full NT kernel and in turn, a full .NET implementation.

And, iirc Visual Studio has a great WYSIWYG editor for WP8 built-in. Why would B4A be needed?


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As far as I can see WP8 only implements a subset of the Windows Runtime APIs and is far from a full .NET implementation as is available to desktop applications. Basic4ppc programs, and the Basic4ppc device IDE were Compact Framework 2.0 Windows Forms/Win32 applications. The RT APIs do not support Windows Forms applications, only XAML. The Basic4ppc desktop IDE UI code could be used as a basic framework for a desktop IDE, as it is for the Basic4android IDE, but the Designer and underlying compiler would need a complete rewrite to target XAML/WinRT instead of WinForms/Win32. With the availability of the free VS Express versions I don't think Erel regards it as worthwhile to even contemplate.
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