Hi there!
First of all I wanted to know what is the naming convention, if there is one, used to distinguish the libraries created with java and the ones created with b4a. I get confused on writing a question referencing the libraries created with B4A
My problem:
I have many libraries, for example
uses library a
uses library b
uses library c
library b
uses library c
Every time that I change library c i need to make sure that library b is compiled also, even that the change should not impact the use of library c on library b.
Strange things happens when I do not compile all of them to make sure are using the same compiled file.
I would like to wish a build reference number to show up at side of the library name on the libs panel. That number should also displayed on the dialog when alt-5 is pressed, so there is a way to visually see what is going on.
That number could be used also to match on the main program (so the only one that is not generated with alt-5) if all the libraries contained are using the same build number and raise and error where it is not the case.
That would be great when there is a lot of libraries with many dependencies, I have a lot of that. For example, a library for database management, it is used everywhere, even on other libraries, etc...
Many Thanks!