Other Wish Log from AAR / JAR


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel. I see that if i have this code Java into AAR / JAR example:

if (localFile.mkdir()) {
Log.d(TAG, localFile.toString() + " created!");

i can this Log if i uncheck "Filter" in Log Windows ( but i see a lot things there without filter )
Is is possible add that i can see this Log in windows Log in another way ?
Thank you


Licensed User
Longtime User
Better to post questions as questions.

Yes. Use BA.Log(...).

I posted in wish because i think that isnt possible now.
But BA.Log i can use if i write wrapper .... i mean if i work with aar or Jar that isnt wrapper B4A and i see in code Log, type example:

will be possible see this in Log Windows without uncheck Filter or am i misunderstood ?
Thanks Again
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