[Wish] Some IDE / lang features to add (if possible)


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Erel Hello, thanks for the great work done so far ... :sign0098:

Many of the things that were missing, you have the added now with version 2.50 (beta? When the final release?)

If I may suggest a few things for me that are still missing (from my previous experience with vb6), you may implement the following things (useful for me):

- Add the keyword IIF (inline if ... the subspecies of ternary operator of vb);
- CTRL + Click on function / method moves to the code;
- When I press enter on line at the beginning of a block, the IDE automatically adds the closing line of the block (ex. If -> End If, Sub -> End Sub, For -> Next, Try -> Catch -> end Try, Select -> end Select, and so on)
- Automatic correction of keywords at the end of block (ex. endif -> End If; EndSub -> End Sub; ... vb did it and it was extremely comfortable)

Finally, I would like to propose the addition of two properties to the object label:

Gravity = Justify (in addition to existing ones, in order to extend the text that takes all the available space, perhaps as Justify, Justify_Horizontal, Justify_Vertical);
Autosize = True | False (adjust or enlarge the width and height of the label so that all text is visible)

I'm hoping for an acceptance of my picks ... that would be very useful for me. :cool:

This text was translated with goole, I hope you understand what I said! :)