Hi All
I need help\hint again please.
What would be similar in B4A with the "With.....Code.....End With"? This is from VB.net:
I need help\hint again please.
What would be similar in B4A with the "With.....Code.....End With"? This is from VB.net:
With GPSObject.RTK_Base
'If .IsRecordRAWDataAvailable And RecordRawDataInRTK Then .RecordRAWData = True Else .RecordRAWData = False
.ElevetionMask = ElevationMask
.Site_ID = SiteID
With .InternalUHF
.TransmitterPower = UHFPowerMode
'.RadioMode = UHFRadioMode
.Channel = UHFChannel
.RTKCorrectionType = RTKCorrectionType
End With
.SetBasePosition(Latitude, Longitude, Elev)
End With