Would it be possible to adapt the B4X Visual Designer to edit Dwin display programs?


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There is a program called DGUS, which is also a graphic editor, but it only has some much more basic functions than B4X's Visual Designer.

The processor (T5L) is based on 8051 instructions, but I don't know if that matters, because the display uses a kernel that interprets the program generated in the DGUS software.

The display has a memory that stores images, and the program manipulates the images, simulating video reproduction including audio.

I don't know how these Chinese work, but they seem to be interested in improving the DGUS software, it might be interesting to talk to them.

There are some tutorials here:

Software DGUS (V7647):



Licensed User
Longtime User
It looks interesting from what I've read.
Check this post it may give you an idea.
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