Wish Wrapper for Google Cloud SQL


Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't think a wrapper is needed, it's using MySQL so you can just use B4A SQL library to connect.

Really? Wow, that would be great... I´m familar with MySQL and it SQL-Language so this could be a really easy for me now...

(thinking: Where the hell i have downloaded this B4A SQL library? )


Licensed User
Longtime User
Today i got email from google:

Google Cloud SQL is now Generally Available

I think it would be cool for B4A (and even B4J) to have an wrapper to this (my)SQL-Database

I´m not abled to write such a wrappe so i want to put it as wish here ;-)

I don´t think that SQL Cloud is cheap.... 2,5 dollars a day for 512 RAM? mmmm watch out for this service my friend...
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