Java Question Wrapper library Error


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Longtime User
I am making a library for use printers star.
When I try to run the application I get the following error and the application closes.



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Licensed User
Longtime User
Your classpath shows that you have installed the Android SDK in Program Files. This is a bad idea. Not only is Program Files a protected folder the folder name has spaces in it which confuses, or at least used to confuse, some of the SDK tools. I would reinstall it to somewhere unprotected like D:\Android and see if the problem goes away.

I don't see an xml file for StarIOPort.

I assume you want to reference StarIOPort3.1.jar in your project. In which case you are missing an @DependsOn(values = { "StarIOPort3.1" }) attribute in your source code.


Licensed User
Longtime User
failure resolved

Thank you very much, it worked perfectly,simply changing the path of sdk.
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